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Legal notice
OKS Otto Knauf GmbH
Steel Service Center
Zollhausstraße 38
58640 Iserlohn
Phone: +49 (0) 2371 / 9456-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2371 / 9456-33
e-mail: info@oks-knauf.com
Representative chief executives: Holger Latsch, Michael Mockenhaupt, Karl Standera
Court of registry: Iserlohn District Court
Registered number: HRB 5758
Value added tax identification number according to Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE 125 136 497
Exclusion of liability: OKS GmbH does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, correct and complete, or that they can be accessed without disruption at any time. When we refer to Internet pages of third parties (links), we assume no responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. By activating the reference, you leave the information offered by OKS GmbH. Different regulations may therefore apply to the offers of third parties, especially with regard to data protection. Furthermore, we exclude liability for minor negligent breaches of duty in the case of services, in particular when downloading files made available on our Internet pages.