We want to not only satisfy our customers, but inspire them.

That is why we have raised our quality standards to the very peak. And we don’t stop there – we are constantly developing further, and are constantly setting new standards. Therefore it is important to keep in constant dialogue with our customers. Your feedback helps us to continue to meet your requirements. And this is exactly what our customers appreciate about us. Let our quality convince you.


We source steel and steel products only from renowned European steelworks. This is the basis for the quality of our products.

Modern plant and equipment help us to guarantee our quality standards as a steel service center. Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, OKS is a company that also keeps its quality promise in practice.

We are constantly developing beyond the DIN EN- standard by using the latest technologies in order to manufacture flexibly, precisely and to the strictest tolerances. Our work processes are continuously optimised to meet the demands of the market.

Know-How of experts

You need a lot of know-how to be able to give correct information in the sector of steel and steel products. OKS, therefore, employs experts who can provide qualitative information and offer our customers optimal support. The knowledge of our steel experts is always kept up to date by regular training courses. Take the opportunity to get in
direct contact with our experts. No matter how demanding your project is, together we will find a way to realise it.

Internal steel testing department

We do not leave quality to chance. Our materials testing department guarantees the quality of the semi-finished and finished materials. It tests the steel for mechanical and chemical properties. Furthermore, there are tests such as hardness testing, zinc coating measurement or roughness tests to maintain our high quality standard.

Certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015

You can rely on the quality of our products. The certification from TÜV defines the minimum requirements for quality management. In this way OKS not only meets customer requirements but also those relevant to the market. And we do much more than that. The continuous modifications of our internal processes constantly broaden the horizon of our services. Our certification attests to a practical, sustainable and modern management system.all 


Do you have questions regarding our services? Send us your own individual inquiry. You can count on us both in direct and in contract business. We are looking forward today to your product of tomorrow.